
Video by Daniel Slapcoff

We’re part of the community at SFU and we deserve the same respect as everyone else. It’s time to bring us back into the family.
Food Service Worker
We’re under constant pressure to work harder, to do more in less time and not complain about it. It’s frustrating and infuriating. Our voices aren’t being heard by the university.
Food Service Worker
SFU is trying to make the cheapest bid they can get and take no responsibility for their employees, but still wants five star service and commitment. That’s hypocrisy in my book.
Food Service Worker
You have this opportunity to make things better for everyone on the mountain. You want to say that it's a community on the mountain, but you get to hold contract workers at arm's length through the contractor.
Mitch Hoganson
SFU worker and organizer with CWJ
I've seen first-hand what the consequences are when you have this very problematic arrangement where a company comes in, and they bid very low, and the only way they can then make a profit is to find a way to turn it around and squeeze it out of the workers.
Paul Voykin
Former SFU worker and labour organizer
The university outsources to the companies, and the companies are always trying to make as much money as they can, and that comes from making things worse for the workers.
SFU Union Organizer