Get Involved

Thank you to all who have come to our events and rallies! See below for ways to be involved in the campaign:

Show your support for cleaning workers at SFU!

BEST (Best Service Pros) has recently laid off 23 contract cleaning service workers. They represent 23 families of racialized workers, women, and immigrants to Canada who, after having just achieved a living wage and access to services on campus only very recently, are now paying the price for SFU’s administrative decisions.

While SFU has taken the position that this is a matter between BEST and the cleaning staff, it is clear that the cuts are a direct result of SFU’s decision to contract out this essential work. It’s time these workers are rehired to ensure there is justice for these workers, and that our community is healthy and safe.

We are recruiting student organizers!

Title: Contract Worker Justice Student Organizer (Volunteer Opportunity)

Contact: Carmen Ho, Student Engagement Coordinator,

Description: Contract Worker Justice @SFU is a coalition of food service and cleaning workers, students, faculty, and other workers and community members at Simon Fraser University, including representatives from UNITEHERE Local 40, CUPE 3338, Teaching Support Staff Union, SFU Faculty Association, Graduate Student Society, Simon Fraser Student Society, and other community groups and individuals. 

Food service and cleaning work on campus is currently contracted out, resulting in low pay, poor benefits, and no access to campus facilities, tuition waivers and even campus WiFi. The people who make and serve us food, and keep our campus clean and healthy deserve better. Food service and cleaning staff are part of the SFU community and they should have the same benefits that all SFU workers enjoy. We want SFU to employ food service and cleaning workers directly, to pay them better wages, give them better benefits, and give them access to school facilities and tuition deals.

As we continue to work towards these changes, we are forming a team of volunteer student organizers who will talk to, recruit, and mobilize students for our upcoming events and campaign actions. 

Requirements: We are seeking reliable volunteers who can commit roughly two hours a week to organizing. We will train you in all of the communication and leadership skills required for the role.

Area of Study: All Faculty

Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Leadership Development, Social Responsibility

Deadline: Ongoing

Apply here:

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When the community comes together, we are powerful.